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Worst today 001

July 08, 2014

Pemilu Presiden

“Pemilu, pemilu,pemilu”
Saya coblos nomor 2.
salam  2 jari, Jokowie.. I Choice U.
So, kenapa jokowi >
Alasannya satu, karna pak jokowi suka denger music metal. Yeahh..Rrraww..
Pilihan ini sama dengan ayahku. Semoga Menang |m
Dan berikut list ‘thing’ yang kulakukan today
•	Go to Tps, with my mom, but come alone
•	Kapia family come home today
•	Go to Grandma house too
•	And come in ‘pajak melati’. Buy t-shirt and clotes to job a moment ago. 
its first time I come here. I don’t know price clotes. !
•	Rani come too my home in morning. Berantakan tapi tetap Calm..
•	Meet All amazing people in the market Jasmin. OMG
•	I like the new clotes. Kubersyukur Alhamdulillah
•	Messaging with Rama, bg Bow, Bang Andri, Just him.
•	Talking everything with my Litbro in Beranda tonight.
•	Cooking Rice
•	Hearing the Radio Prambors 
•	Do my hobby
Yeah. Cukup banyak ya.
Berharap besok bisa lakukan lebih baik dari ini.
maafkan semua salahku, Tuhan.